To prepare myself, I went shopping for a nice...well...actually, a sexy dress. I found one, a cute lacey red body-con dress that was really short, the shortest I have ever worn. I do love it though, but wearing it to an Anatomy study session with people who have never seen me in anything so...well provocative. Haha that was so funny. But soon I found myself at the ship.
Soon I was reunited with my rockstar. I was so happy. Here's my favorite photo. One of my friends said that it personified us well. Him being the introvert, with that simple smile and the glasses (don't get me wrong, I think it's totally sexy) and me kissing him on the cheek being the extrovert. Well moving on, it was pretty eventful. We had to wait for the others to get there so he and I (plus the fam bam) enjoyed the other bands. My favorite was a DJ which I danced to, but it got really awkward when a She-male started dancing on me. I walked away so fast it wasn't even funny. Eli and I still debate on whether or not that it was a he or a she. I think he, he thinks she. We shall never know. Once the bandmates arrived we all headed down to our stage. I was so excited for the concert. I really love their music, it's so unique, so different, so perfect. Yeah I'm a big fan of their music, and no, it's not just because Eli is in it, I really do love metal, well misfit metal in their area of the corner. When they started playing, of course I was in the front near the speakers, my ears are probably going to broken by the time I am sixty, but I don't care, I want to support my man and the band. It was really dark, so it was kind of hard to take pictures but the music sounded amazing. And yeah there were girls who were watching Eli closely, but there were also girls who were talking about how hot Tommie yeah there was a lot of weirdness going on in that floor of the ship. When the music was all done Eli took me on a tour of the engine room of the ship. Not only were we the only ones in there, Eli decided it would be a good time to tell a horror story about the engine room and it went a little something like this
"We wander into the bowel of the ship, and as we creep back deeper into the engine room all the sound mysteriously ceases from just one step to the next. The lights suddenly cut out a few steps later, and all we can see is a faint red glow - a faint red glow from boilers that had not been aflame for many years. As our gazes are fixed on the flickering red light, shadows dance around our fields of vision; they swirl around us faster and faster until they close in on us and all we can see is black, and then - we are back in the middle of the ship's underbelly, left with only lost time and the memory, burned in our minds."
The worst part is, is that the lights suddenly were turned off and the red glow of the engine was all that could be seen. Then it became super duper quiet. I think Eli and I ran out of that room so fast, it was so horrible. My heart was pounding so hard I thought it would burst out of my chest. Once out of there we began exploring other places on the ship. At the end of it all, I helped to bring all the equipment back (which was really difficult because some of those things are heavy as fudge and being a small girl of 5'4 they nearly dwarfed me). Then I was surprised by a sleep over at Eli's house (in the guest room people in the guest room, we are good people, saving for marriage) and that ended the day perfectly.
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