Sunday, April 27, 2014

Let the Bodies Hit the Floor

Got another awesome day to spend with the band practicing; a really good way to end my spring break. Got here in California at 9 o'clock, I was traveling since 6 o'clock. I spent some time with Eli and then we went to the house. The madness began as soon as we walked in through the door.

Eli forgot his amp (poor chap) so he was really quiet, but Scarlet and Tommie were able to sound the rhythm of their guitars. They started out with their new stuff and it was so awesome!!! I love when they play Clairvoyant Infringement; it is one of my favorite new songs. I can't spill the beans on some of the other songs but they sound fricken awesome!!! Tommie, Eli, Bishop, and Mr. Riot really know how to write some pretty fricken cool stuff. Oh yeah, I swear the house was headbanging to their music and it was so much fun to feel everything pound through me.

If you watch Tommie in practice you realize that she is really funny to watch. Her faces get really really hilarious, especially when she is trying not to laugh and then she does. She tries so hard, but if you give her a weird face back she starts laughing so hard. Plus she has these power stances when she is playing that add so much character to the metalhead chick. It's so much fun to watch and really really entertaining.

If you watch Eli when he is not practicing, he does some really weird things with his body; he really does know how to move his hips. And as a lot of people has said, when he curves his back, it really does look sensual. You need to hear some of the stories about Eli's curved back. I don't know if am allowed to share details but they are so funny!

Another one to watch is Bishop Slain. He is so stern and calm while playing but every once in awhile he'll throw in some crazy face and it sends everyone who has seen it into a hysterical laughing fit. He has so many faces in his arsenal you can never know what to expect.

I really can't see Mr. Riot well, but when I can he is always making his scary faces when he screams and it's awesome. And yeah well Scarlet doesn't really do much, she just stands there and plays her bass, she's really good but like Tommie said she is like the creeper standing in the corner.

Once practice is done though everyone does their own thing. Tommie and Eli go off to the gym. Mr. Riot, Bishop Slain, Drei, and Jason (Mr. Riot's brother) go off on a long walk. And I stay behind and talk with Ashlee (Jason's wife). It really is like a family here, and I really love it. If someone is in trouble they will band together really well. It is so much fun to watch and to be apart of, well for the much that I am. OTB is not just a band it is a really great family, everyone is amazing and...yeah the atmosphere is amazing. I love OTB, not just as a band, but for the people themselves.

Signing off- muah

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